Friday, November 27, 2009

Report from Mike Cantrell

Here is a report from our CLC 2009 guest, Mike Cantrell.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

CLC Report from the Fajardos

Here is a CLC report from Josh Fajardo in Spain.

Monday, November 23, 2009

More CLC photos

Here are some CLC photos from Josh Fajardo. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New CLC 2009 Photo Gallery

Here is a link to some photos taken on Sunday by Judit Tóth.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Where are we now? The FMC in Europe

Marvin Klein prepared this presentation for the Saturday night service at the Church Leaders Conference. It gives a great overview of the types of ministries that are taking place in our churches throughout the continent. Thanks, Marvin!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Aspiration Statements

This video was created by Al Mellinger and Dan Balzer, and gives an overview of the aspiration statements that came out of the 2009 Appreciative Inquiry process.

Faces of CLC 2009 - The Finale

Édua, Bernát, Kristóf, Judit, and Ildikó (Hungary)
Cida (Portugal) and Patricia (Portugal)
Junior and Edyane (Portugal)
Zoila (Spain) and Maria (Spain)
Lawrence (Belgium) and Marvin (France)
Virág (Hungary) and Kati (Hungary)
Timo Nakari (Finland and Hungary) and Marcie Huson (UK)
Maria Long (Greece) and Edward Frank (Greece)
Julie Allman (Ukraine), Sheila Dickinson (Belgium), Dan Balzer (Greece)